This module provides students with an introduction to the principles of data transfer, including bits, words, and files. Using lab simulation, various aspects of data transfer will be demonstrated and students will program and observe transfer instructions such as MOV. An introduction to shift registers is also presented with an emphasis on practical application in industrial control circuits.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:

  • Explain the purpose of a move instruction.
  • List three basic types of registers.
  • Define the term sign bit.
  • Explain the operating characteristics of a register-to-register move.
  • Differentiate between a file-to-word and a word-to-file move.
  • Describe the purpose of a table-to-table move.
  • Explain the operation of a shift register.
  • Write a ladder logic program using MOV.
  • Transfer data between memory locations