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Intro to Writing a PLC Program in 4 Simple Steps

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PLC is short for “programmable logic controller.” It’s essentially a digital computer commonly used in industrial electro mechanical processes for automation. This includes controls for systems such as amusement park rides, lighting and assembly lines.

Motion-Control and Robots Are Not the Same: Here’s an Explanation

Many people associate the term automation with robots, but it’s not always the case. Similar to how there are various types of pasta, there are different kinds of automation systems; this includes motion control and robotics system. These machines make our lives easier by completing repetitive tasks without human assistance, and are often found in the manufacturing industries. While they both may perform similar tasks, operating them is another story.

Everything You Wanted To Know About PLCs But Were Afraid To Ask

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According to Markets Insider the industrial automation market is expected to have a 20% increase by 2024, exceeding USD $5 billion.